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The Joy of Christmas Present

Confession: I LOVE all the Christmas Hallmark movies, the ones on ION too! There is nothing that brings a cheesy smile to my face quicker than seeing Mr. “Nice Guy Joe” beat Mr. “Too Cool for Manners Bob” in winning the heart of the overworked, harried, yet hopelessly adorable and sweet “Book Lover Anne.” Seth doesn’t understand my love for these movies. In fact, he says they are all the same! What? That’s absurd! Everyone knows that the perfect time to find Mr. Right is when you go home for the holidays and are forced to do a little soul searching only to recognize that the love of your life is your next-door neighbor who happens to make the most perfect cup of hot cocoa. Can I get an Amen? Mostly, what I love about these movies, is the ending. You know, the “Happily Ever After” that makes all of the hurdles and obstacles the lovely couple had to face and overcome worth it all.

As silly as it may sound, these movies remind me to slow down. To be in the moment. To look up and out. To pay attention to what is truly important. To spend time with family. You know, to be PRESENT. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season and miss out on taking the time to focus on the miracle we get to celebrate. As I watch Mac and Gwen and their excitement and joy in the days leading up to Christmas and on Christmas day, I can’t help but think of what Mary must have pondered when she held her first-born son, our Savior. I tend to think, that instead of worrying about the future, or fussing about her less than five-star accommodations, she chose to focus on her Son, to snuggle Him, pray over Him, and purpose in her heart to be the best momma she could possibly be. {Side Note: I cannot help but look at a child and wonder at what their special purpose is that God has created them for! All of that potential, all of that innocence and wonder, we must take the time to value and nurture it!}

I am so excited for this Christmas Present. Our family has experienced some life-altering changes this year, but through every high and every low, our Savior has been ever faithful. This Christmas Present we will continue to focus and claim the goodness of our God. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. I am especially looking forward to our Christmas Eve Service with our Hill Crest Bible Church Family. We would love for you to join us, Merry Christmas!

Read: Luke 2:1-20

Consider: I do not know about you, but I always feel like movies end too soon. I’ve read more than a few books that are guilty of this as well! I mean, what actually happens after the Prince and Princess ride off into the sunset on their faithful steed? What does happily ever after entail? A life of perfect harmony with a permanent mountain top view? I need more! What I have learned, is that happily ever after does not mean a life of no pain, no valleys, and no disappointments. I have learned, that how we choose to react in the midst of those not so happily ever afters, can make all the difference. Wherever you are the Christmas Present, I challenge you to lean into the moment. To focus on Christ, make time to praise and worship Him, but also, create some quiet space in which you can ponder in your heart the wonders of our Savior. Psalm 33:22, “Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.”

To-Do: How will you ensure to be Present this Christmas? Where do you find your Joy of Christmas Present? Is your focus inward, outward, or upward?


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